Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Worst Music Video Ever

This was a little hard for me to choose because I do not usually watch music videos and I especially try to avoid the bad ones, so I just picked my least favorite artist and her newest video. I have always hated Britney Spears. I think that she is an awful role model for her young fans and she is not even that talented. Being a popular popstar comes with some responsibility because you have thousands of kids and teenagers looking up to you and trying to be like you. As a star Spears could have done a lot of good by being a good person and a positive influence on her fans lives. Instead she went in the total opposite direction. She is now a wreck both on and off the stage. Maybe instead of making crappy music videos and giving horrible live performances she should be at home with her children trying to get her life together.

This video is one of the worst videos I have even seen, not just because Britney Spears is in it, but because the song lyrics are bad and the singing is even worse. Its terrible that despite her awful performance at the Video Music Awards and her obvious behavioral problems that people still support her and spend their money on her CD’s. Parents will still buy their young girls her CD’s despite the fact that she is a terrible role model. I think that people should not support her and her appalling example that she is setting for her young fans. Parents should not let their children watch this music video, buy Spear’s CD or listen to her music. She is a bad singer and she is a horrible role model for all of her fans and for other young celebrities.


ENG 001: Language & Writing said...

I agree with you on this being a horrible music video. Not to mention a terrible song. "give me give me more give me give me more" that's the best she could come up with after her very long, very rocky hiatus. And you're right, she is no role model for anyone... especially not her kids. I'm not a big fan of Britney, my friend's next door neighbor, however, loves her. He knows all the steps to Oops I Did It Again. It's pretty impressive actually. He's currently working on the moves to this video. I guess to some Britney will always reign supreme.

ENG 001: Language & Writing said...

Yes, Britney is a horrible parent. But hundreds of other people in the world are and the only reason that we care about Britney Spears more than them is because she has a camera in her face. Technically, Britney's parenting and personal choices have nothing to do with her music; I'm getting sort of tired of people bringing her lifestyle up when discussing her videos. While I agree that Britney is not a good role model to her general audience, what pop stars are anymore? Paris, Lindsay, even Vanessa. They're all whores and younger and younger girls are following in their footsteps. Maybe the attention needs to be called off a particular Ms. Spears and onto the change in our society's values.

eng 001: Language & Writing said...

Agree. Brittney Spears is something else isn’t she? I mean who can go around nearly dropping kids, shaving their head and ditching court hearings and still manage to write a song that is so bad? Only Brit. This girl is crazy and I could not agree more with you about this song. Every time that it blares across the radio I just want to run and hide. I am a little disappointed in Brit though; you know she was once that cute little mouse-kateer and now look at her. What is wrong with society these days? I can’t wait till this song has run its course and fades away forever.